Ordinance & Rules
Summary of Ordinance & Regulations for Master' and Doctoral Programmes:
1. Students of all programmes have to renew the registration every semester till submission of the dissertation (for Masters) and thesis (for Ph.D). Teaching in the Institute will be organized around the credit system. Each course will have a certain number of credits which will describe its weightage.
Grading System
Grade | Grade Point | Remarks |
A | 10 | Outstanding |
A (-) | 09 | Excellent |
B | 08 | Very Good |
B (-) | 07 | Good |
C | 06 | Average |
C (-) | 05 | Below Average |
D | 04 | Marginal |
E | 02 | Poor |
F | 00 | Very Poor |
2. Where student does not get E or F grade in any theory course but scores a CGPA of less than 6.00, he or she shall be allowed to repeat examination in maximum of two courses to improve the grade.
3. Due to lack of fulfilment of all the requirements for the course on account of extraordinary circumstances subject to having 50% attendance, a candidate can be put under I-grade and shall be permitted to appear second time in a course(s).
4. The minimum credit requirement for masters degree will be 50 valid credits including a minimum of 30 credits of course work and balance credits of project work. The minimum CGPA required for the award of the masters degree will be 6.00.
5. The maximum period for completion of the Masters Programme will be 3 years from the date of joining the Programme.
6. The Masters degree holders of the Institute getting into the Ph.D. programme will have to complete doctoral courses of minimum 12 credits and all other students will have to complete minimum of 28 credits (not less than 16 credits from the specialization).
7. The minimum CGPA requirement for Ph.D will be 6.50. If CGPA is above 6.00 but below 6.50, student will be asked to take more courses in order to make up the required CGPA. If CGPA is below6.00 at the end of any semester he/she will have to discontinue the Ph.D. programme.
8. Where the Ph.D has course work, he or she shall be required to submit a research proposal to the student research committee. The student shall have to prove his or her capabilities in broad field of research, academic preparation and potential to carry out proposed research plan. For this purpose student shall be required to appear before the SRC to take comprehensive oral examination. The SRC shall evaluate the student in the context of research proposal submitted by him. A maximum of two attempts will be allowed to a student to clear the comprehensive examination. The student will be required to be registered for a period of not less than 3 years and submit the thesis within 5 years from the date of registration. The registration period of 5 years can be further extended to 7 years with the approval of Board of Studies and Research.
9. Students (of all Programmes) are required to attend every lecture and practical class during the semester. However, to be eligible to take end-semester examination, the student shall be required to attend 75%of actually held lectures and practical classes of each course.
10. For Masters programme: A student is entitled to a maximum of 45 days' leave in addition to general holidays during the four semester of their stay at the Institute.10 days' of medical leave every year besides 45 days' leave can be granted. Students availing fellowship shall not be entitled to any vacation leave. For Ph.D. degree programme: A student is entitled to 30 days' leave in each year in addition to the general holidays.
Women student will be entitled to 3 months' maternity leave besides the 30 days' leave, once during their tenure. Leave with scholarship may be granted to students for attending academic meetings/conferences/symposia.
Note: This is the summarized form of Ordinance (Modified) 2014 for Masters and Doctoral Programmes. For details, approved document of the rules shall be referred to summarized rules governing conduct and maintenance of discipline for students/ research scholars are as follows:
Conduct: Every student shall at all times maintain absolute integrity and devotion to studies and research and conduct himself in a manner conducive to the best interest of the Institute and shall not commit any act which is unbecoming of him/her or is prejudicial to the interest of the Institute. Conform to and abide by the provisions of the rules made by the Institute from time to time. Comply and abide by all lawful orders which may be issued to him/her from time to time in the course of his/her studies and research by the Institute or by any person or persons to whom he/she may be reporting in his/her department.
Recognition of Exemplary Conduct: A teacher or an officer of the Institute may at any time make a confidential report through the Dean to the Director about an act of exemplary good conduct by a student which in his/her opinion deserves recognition. The recommendation shall only be made if the conduct of student is otherwise satisfactory. The report recommending recognition shall precisely state the facts of the case and the reasons for the recommendation. The recommendation for recognition of exemplary good conduct shall be considered by the Director if he is satisfied that the conduct deserves a recognition, may award a certificate of exemplary conduct with or without monetary reward. Any certificate granted aforesaid may be withdrawn for sufficient cause but only after giving recipient an opportunity to be heard.
Acts of indiscipline:
An act punishable under any law for the time being in force.
Wilful insubordination or disobedience (whether or not in combination with others) of any lawful and reasonable instructions of his faculty, wilful negligence, commission of any act, subversive to discipline or good behaviour.
Misconduct (including ragging) or an act which violates any rule of discipline or any other provision of the rules and regulatns of the Institute.
Fraud/theft/bribery/dishonesty or acting under the influence of outsiders in connection with the research and studies or property of the institute or of the property entrusted to the Institute or to another student.
Unauthorized custody and/or use of the Institute's equipment, tools, hostel or any other property of the Institute.
An act in breach of agreement or undertaking or direction or failure or refusal to obey instruction or direction of any authority.
Resorting to mass cuts of classes, tests or examinations and/or other compulsory activities of the Institute
Absence without leave or overstaying the sanctioned leave for more than seven consecutive days without sufficient grounds or satisfactory explanation.
Falsification of Institute record, impersonation or forgery.
Furnish at the time of admission or thereafter wrong or incomplete information or suppressing any information including dismissal removal or rustication by previous Institution/University or any punishment by any court of Law.
Conviction by Court of Law for any criminal offence involving moral turpitude or conviction by Court of Law for a serious criminal offence.
Wilful slowing down in performance of research and studies or abetment or instigation thereof
Smoking or consumption of intoxicating drinks within the Institute. Sleeping while at work within laboratory or class-room.
Making representations to persons or bodies outside the Institute whether official or otherwise on matter connected with the affairs of Institute or personal grievances against the management of the Institute.
Making direct representation or sending grievance petitions to the members of the Board of Governors except through proper channel.
Non-payment of Institute and other dues including Mess & Cafeteria charges.
An act which interferes with personal liberty of another or subjects another to indignity or involve physical violence or use of abusive language.
Collection of funds for any student programme, project or activity without the permission of the appropriate authority.
Organizing a procession or meeting without the permission of the appropriate authority or participation therein.
Use of agitational means including strikes, picketing, Gheraos, fast arousing the sentiments of the students' body and the public or use of any outside agency for redressal of grievances.
Damaging or defacing of Institute property and breaking into any Institute building or premises.
An act which disrupts the running of the Institute or environment conducive to pursuit of knowledge and harmonious relationship between different people living in the Institute Campus.
An act which brings the Institute (and its teachers, officers or authorities) into disrepute.
Refusal to give evidence or establish or reveal identity when require.
Proxy registering of attendance or abetting the act or registering the attendance of another student.
Spreading, broking or encouraging Casteism, Regionalism, Communalism or Untouchability
Refusal to accept and acknowledge, charge-sheet, orders or any other communication addressed to student(s).
Habitual late arrival or early departure or irregular attendance.
Indulging in an act of sexual harassment of girls/women within or outside the Institute.
Such other acts as may be notified by the authorities from time to time.
Disciplinary Action :
Category- 1:
An order rusticating a student for stated period under intimation to other universities/institutions in India.
An order expelling a student from the Institute whether for all time to come or for a stated period under intimation to other universities/institutions in India.
An order suspending a student for a period exceeding 15 days whether from all activities of the Institute, Departments or Hostels or only from specified activities.
An order directing a student to pay fine exceeding Rs.1000/-(Rupees one thousand only).
An order suspending a student for a period not exceeding 15 days whether from all activities of the Institute, department or hostel or from specified activities.
An order directing a student to pay a fine up to but not exceeding Rs.1000/- (Rupees one thousand only).
An order directing entry of adverse remarks in the character role of the student.
An order directing a student to vacate the premises and prohibiting him from re-entering the same for period not exceeding three days.
An order directing a student to cease and desist from indulging in any act of indiscipline.
An order warning a student.
1) This is the summarized form of Student discipline rules for Masters and Doctoral Programmes. For details, approved document of the rules shall be referred to.
2) Students will be required to vacate hostels for a period of one month, every year after end semester examination for maintenance. The period of one month will be treated equivalent to only 20 days of regular leave, to be sanctioned by HoD. Before commencement of ensuing semester, fresh rooms and room partners will be re-allotted to students.