• 14th May 2020

14th May 2020 is the historical day for NIPER Guwahati. Honorable Secretary Dept of Pharmaceuticals Dr. P. D. Vaghela IAS launched the new logo of NIPER Guwahati at 11 AM in the presence of Sri Rajneesh Tingal Joint Secretary DoP and Dr. S Chandrasekhar Chairman BoG NIPER G and Director CSIR IICT Hyderabad. The logo is designed by Dr. Uday Kumar Dharmalingam, Associate Professor, Dept of Design Engineering IITG who is also the designer of Indian Rupee Symbol. The Logo was approved and well appreciated by the BoG. The Sanskrit quote is given by Prof. Shree Kishore Mishra, Professor Dept of Sanskrit, BHU Varanasi. NIPERG will remember their invaluable contributions for ever.

    Logo Launching ceremony

Logo Description

  •    The concept primarily depicts the process of deriving medicines from nature represented by leaf, pestle and mortar.

  •    The partial circle represents the rising sun which first happens in the North East. It is also a symbolic representation of source of knowledge and growth.

  •    The leaf has a shape of rhinoceros horn within itself to subtly depict the locality. Assam is known for its one horn rhinos. Consequently, the identity
            portrays a unique connection of the institute located in northeast region – abundance of nature, rising sun and rhinoceros.

  •    The lines at the bottom are in the form of an open book for knowledge and education.

  •    The pharmacy symbol directly communicates the nature of the institute.

  •    The Sanskrit motto, “Oushadhi: Sharmo Yachantwabhritaha” means “may the herbs, being brought, extend well-being” harmonizing with the visual design.

  •    The design is kept simple to have a high recall value and at the same time being unique and different from rest of the NIPER institutes.

Logo Creator

Logo Designed By

D. Udaya Kumar

Associate Professor
Department of Design, IITG

Sanskrit quote by

Shree Kishore Mishra

Department of Sanskrit
Banaras Hindu University